Partnerships – The Rugged Male

The Rugged Male is a very hip community of responsible men and women that enjoy the outdoors and products and companies that embody our values and interest.  As such we often work with brands crafting engaging articles to showcase their products and services. We are also available for partnerships, but not affiliate marketing.  We like products made with quality and we like companies that give back to the community.  We like men’s products that are manly, stylish and of quality.  We are not interested in promoting any dating or life coaches … or snake oil salesmen.

We receive over 200k Unique Visitors per month and our sponsored posts typically include:

  • A Featured Article for at least 1 week on our home page.
  • Visibility on our Home Page for at least 2 months, searchable forever.
  • Fully SEO’d to ensure high rankings on Google Search for years.
  • Social Syndication to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus
  • Included in our eBlast – 5000 recipients
  • Provide press for your site – “See [Your Brand] As Featured on The Rugged Male”

Some Of The Brands We Have Worked With In The Past


Please be familiar with our site and send your inquiry to info @

Thank You !