The strategy for a better abdomen is not that complex.  The execution of that strategy is the hard part.  We all know we need to exercise the abdomen muscles and consume fewer calories to improve our midsection. You don’t need a PhD in physiology or a consultation with a trainer to understand that.  Even if you are in pretty good shape, abdomen exercises can be difficult and downright embarrassing, especially if you are doing them in a crowded gym … on the disgusting floor.

Most trainers would agree that a good way to avoid injury and pain as you get older is to have a strong core.  The problem is that every media outlet has been shaming the general public with washboard abs that seem impossible to achieve.  You don’t have to be one of these fitness clowns that walk around in sweatpants 24/7 to have good tummy.  You also don’t have to look like Homer Simpson if you don’t want to.  You can get started with simple ab exercises at home.  If this interests you, or perhaps the person you share a bed with, we offer you five simple ab exercises you can do at home.  Get in there tiger!

1.  Crunches


Don’t believe all the crap you hear about crunches being bad for you. Crunches are exercise and exercise is good. While it takes more than crunches to get a defined stomach, this is a good starting point as you don’t need much coordination or athletic ability.  This classic exercise helps strengthen your core and produce functional benefits in addition to the aesthetic perks.

Crunches target the rectus abdominis. That’s not your ass, its the two parallel muscles that run down the abdomen.  They also workout the transverse abdominis, an inner layer of stomach muscles that help stabilize the spine. Crunches also engage the obliques, the muscles that run down the sides of your midsection and give you that six pack look.

As a core-training exercise, crunches help improve your balance by strengthening your abdominal muscles. Strong core muscles improve your posture, which helps you function efficiently in everyday life and sport. A healthy posture also helps prevent lower back pain and muscle injury.

Properly building up your core cranks up the power. A strong core also enhances balance and stability. Thus, it can help prevent falls and injuries during sports or other activities. A strong, flexible core underpins almost everything you do.

– Harvard Medical School

2.  Plank


Planks are a great way to strengthen the many different abdomen muscles in your body. The versatility and accessibility makes it one of the most incredible, well-rounded core exercises.  Planks are a full-body workout. They don’t target just your abdomen. They work all the major muscle groups in your body making it a fantastic core exercise you can do at home.

Planks strengthen your spine, rhomboids, lats, trapezius, core, quads, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, and triceps when done properly.  Few exercises can target the abs and core as effectively as planks. Working multiple muscle groups at the same time burns more calories and is more time efficient, so if you are skipping exercises, this is not the one.  Planks also build better posture which is more important than better abs.

r 20s did planks three times a week for four weeks; one group did planks on the ground, while the other group planked using an unstable surface. The group that planked on an unstable surface had better alignment of their head and spine and less rounded shoulders at the end of the study.

How To Do a Plank

Ensure your elbows on the ground directly underneath your shoulders with your feet hip-width apart. Make sure your back is flat and your head and neck are in a neutral position. Drive your elbows into the floor, and squeeze your quads, glutes, and core.  Your feet are hip-width apart. You should be balancing on the balls of your feet with your tailbone tucked in so that it’s aligned with your spine, not sticking into the air.  Try to hold the plank for 30 to 60 seconds at a time.

3.  Bird Dog


Another slightly more difficult ab exercise you can do at home is the bird-dog.  This is a bodyweight floor exercise that strengthens your core, more specifically, you abs, lower back and butt.

The bird-dog exercise is used by athletic trainers and physical therapists. It is good for building lower back stability and function.  The bird dog engages both the core and back muscles at the same time toning your midsection and your badonkadonk.

4. Leg Lifts


All the scrutiny on crunches come from the fact it doesn’t work your lower abs. That is why leg lifts are the perfect complement and an excellent home abs exercise.  Leg lifts are a simple but highly effective exercise that requires little more than motivation.  In addition working your lower abs, leg lifts also improve the strength and flexibility of your hips and lower back.

How To Do a Leg Lift

Start by lying down on the floor or a mat or even a firm bed. Lay flat with your arms at your sides and legs stretched out next to each other, then raise those legs. Even if you can’t hold them perfectly rigid, keep your legs as straight as possible, and lift them until they are pointing at the ceiling, or as near as you can get.

5. Dumbbell side bend


Dumbbell side bends are one of the easiest exercises for targeting the oblique muscles in your midsection.  Its also one of the few home ab exercises that your can do standing up.   The dumbbell side bend is an exercise that is often performed incorrectly, which limits its effectiveness and places unwanted stress on your spine.

How To Do a Dumbbell Side Bend

Hold a single dumbbell at your side with your palm facing in toward your thighs. Begin with your torso upright and back straight.  Simply tilt your torso to the side to lower the dumbbell down toward your knee. Return to upright. Keep movements slow and controlled and avoid allowing your shoulders to twist when you’re bending. After you’re finished a set, perform another while holding the dumbbell in your other hand.

When you’re performing side bends, avoid using extremely heavy weights. Too much lateral stress on your spine can cause an injury. You should also limit the amount of stress placed on your spine by not bending too far to the side.  Lowering the dumbbell about six inches is good practice.

There you have it folks, simple ab exercises you can do at home.


Thanks For Reading!



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