The Rugged Male’s First Birthday
This month The Rugged Male turned one year old. Twelve months ago we wished you all a Steve McQueen kind of year … well, all 35 of our followers at the time. The photo above was taken on the set of The Getaway. Pictured is Steve McQueen celebrating his big day like a rugged male should, with birthday cake and Budweiser.
Lets Take A Look At The Rugged Male Behind The Numbers – 2013
- The Rugged Male is currently being read in 43 Countries.
- The United States, Puerto Rico, Philippines, UK & Malaysia are top 5 countries in order.
- The Rugged Male has 2 fans in Poland and 1 fan in Ethiopia
- The Rugged Male has more fans in Dublin, Ireland than in Manhattan Beach, where our HQ is ?!?
Way To Go Lads!
- The Rugged Male has 1 fan in South Korea and zero fans in North Korea.
(Cmon Kim Jong, loosen up that sexy brown onsie)
- The Rugged Male tried 3 times to give away products – you are a finicky bunch.
- Our Most Popular Facebook Post was our Dave Grohl Post about American Idol – which is awesome, well done folks!
- Our Most Popular Article was the very first one we wrote about Finding Your Style, which is even more awesome!
- The Rugged Male has published 64 articles in its first year.
- The Rugged Male published only 6 sponsored articles, where we were compensated.
- The Rugged Male rejected over 50 requests to pimp bad products and services, many of which came from “dating consultants” who claim to have more experience than the studs listed here. (you can thank us later).
- We earned a whopping $47.20 from our three Google banner ads in 12 months – and who says banner ads don’t work.
- This month, our twelfth month, we signed our first contract with one of the largest wineries in the world to provide lifestyle content on a monthly basis. They chose three bloggers in the United States and The Rugged Male was on the short list.
In 2014 we look forward to providing you more quality content. We intend to maintain our standards on repping only quality products from reputable and responsible companies. We intend to provide more interviews. We intend to secure a premier sponsor to keep the lights on and upgrade to salted peanuts. We intend to upgrade your experience on our website.
Above all we look forward to your feedback. Please drop us a line with any ideas, wants or needs from The Rugged Male.
Thank You So, So Very Much For Your Support!
Happy New Year!