When was the last time you took a course to learn a new skill or pick up a new qualification? As you explore your options, commit to being a lifelong learner. Distance learning is a great way to move toward your goals for growth.

There are many distance learning options and programs, with experts such as Anglia Ruskin
University offering a wide range of courses to suit all career paths and interests.  Starting a new program of study calls for some adjustments, especially if you have been away from the books for a few years. You need to figure out how to balance your new and old responsibilities. If you’re considering embarking on a distance learning journey, then here are just five ways this step in your life can benefit you.

1. Career Development

Are you ready for a promotion at work or considering a new industry or work environment? The most significant advantage of distance learning is that it allows you to upgrade your qualifications and prepare for the next chapter. You’ll not only gain a new qualification, but you’ll have the chance to expand your circle to larger networks, and access more opportunities. And networking can seem harder when you’re a distance learner, but platforms such as LinkedIn have taken the art of networking into the online world.

2. Flexible and Self-paced

While the temptation of adding a new qualification to your arsenal can be tempting, the hurdle of relocating to a new location can be too great for some. However, distance learning offers you both flexibility and a self-paced learning approach. You don’t have to let go of your other responsibilities when you study. With distance learning, you can find an arrangement that works.

3. Less Expensive

Time and money are the two most common limiting factors that might hinder you from furthering your studies. The good thing about distance learning is that it costs a fraction of what you may pay for a traditional campus university. Online study is streamlined to give you exactly what you need without the extra frills. The university doesn’t have to worry about the charges of classrooms, facilities, and other such expenses when everyone is learning from the comfort of their homes.

4. Saves Time

When you study online, you’ll also save yourself time commuting to and from a campus. This extra time in your day can of course be used to complete your assignments, however you could also channel this extra energy into self-care, ensuring that you find the perfect balance between studying and looking after yourself.

5. The Freedom to Choose Your Own Learning Environment

Distance learning also allows you to create a personalized learning environment. If you prefer self-study in a quiet place, you can do just that. Or, if you’re a group learner, consider joining or creating a study group. Though if it’s just background noise you’re after, take your study materials to a local café.


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