Getting In Shape Starts At The Grocery Store
If you are always looking for ways to get in shape each Summer, let me give you a pro-tip. Summer is always approaching! That’s the pro-tip. You don’t start working out in April, you start in January. Take your month off in December and enjoy the hollandaise season. Go crazy, have a slice of pie. Eat cheesecake for breakfast. It’s amazing! Then get back to work just after the new year.
Looking like a Rugged Male means grocery shopping like a Rugged Male. It’s true. If you want to have an easier time shedding the winter coat in time for Memorial Day, then you need to solidify your starting lineup of grocery items. Looking good starts at the grocery store. You must define the items that you will always have in your home – healthy, tasty, high protein, low fat items that are versatile. Foods that you mix and match for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Foods that you can eat with chicken, beef, turkey, fish & eggs make your life a lot easier, especially if you live alone and/or don’t have much time to shop.
So here you go, our picks for
Weekly Grocery Items To Keep You Healthy & Looking Fit
1. Quinoa
Quinoa is amazing. The Incas considered it a sacred food centuries ago. It’s a whole grain that is much, much better for you than rice and much easier to cook. Its high in protein, fiber, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin B & E and can even help you sleep. You can buy boxes of it to keep in your cupboard and mix it with anything and it tastes great. A couple drops of soy and Cholula spice it up nice. You can also buy it in packets microwave ready. Great for the Rugged Male on-the-go. You should never be without quinoa in your house. Besides, rice sucks.