Halloween, Adults & Insensitive Costumes
If you are one of the many adults, and I use that term loosely who is hijacking a children’s holiday this year, then you will most likely notice the new adult trend, which is bastardizing the children’s holiday by wearing insensitive costumes. Since we have writers block this week due to a long weekend in SF covering the World Series, we will throw some wood on this fire and suggest some insensitive costumes. We will also comment on some bad choices .. and some you will have to decide for yourself.
We wouldn’t be honest with ourselves however if we didn’t throw a jab at the dorks dressing up in costume for their 9-5 office gig. If you are wondering why you were passed up for that promotion or raise, or why you cant get a competing job offer, look in the mirror tomorrow in your face paint and cape and ask yourself – Why doesn’t anyone take me seriously?
Here are our picks for politically incorrect or insensitive Halloween costumes. Were gonna stay away from ISIS because we are not neanderthals .. and so should you. You just don’t go there.
6. Rob Ford – A little research, a suit and some pillows and you could be the loud mouth, coke snorting, screaming mayor from Toronto. #RoleModel
5. Sexy Ebola – We most definitely have our share of Sexy Nurses, Sexy Waitresses, Sexy Whatever! (cmon ladies, put some thought into it, nobody likes the hot chick any more .. so 90s. Go goth instead). Prepare yourself, Sexy Ebola is coming to the hottest, dumbest chick in your neighborhood.
4. Malaysia Airline Victims – I’m not sure whats worse making fun of the people that died on a plane or those offensive haircuts..and smiles. But like a train wreck you cant stop looking at this plane crash. The name badges read – Malaysia Airlines – Sum Ting Wong & We Tu Lo, which is funny – sorry it just is.
3. Soccer Players – This never gets old … take your pick of which to represent, the rugged men sporting their handbags,
Or all around tough guy – Luis Suarez, a 3-time offender of biting the opposition.
2. Zombie Joan Rivers – Now before you get all mad, realize we are not going Robin Williams – too soon. Besides, something tells us that Joan would actually think this was really funny.
1. Elevator Fights – Take your pick – Ray Rice or Jay Z, maybe go together as attacker and victim. We would rather see someone going as Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner who has condoned domestic violence by covering it up for years.
Now which ones did we miss ?
Happy Halloween, please be safe!